Sunday, November 1, 2020

 Topic of the Month

What Makes Me Want to Write or Not Want to Write?

When I get inspiration, I’ve noticed that I need to write it down immediately before my thoughts travel to different places. There have been many occasions when I have gotten up in half-sleep to write down a few lines, which miraculously rhyme.

I find it easier to write down situations that I’ve personally gone through, it makes it much more realistic and emotionally accurate. Whenever I write about anything that I haven’t personally experienced, I put myself in that person’s shoes, and after completing it, I ask for feedback from friends and
family members who may have experienced it.

I usually write about topics that really touch me and also pen down my thoughts to unthread the chaos in my mind. It is much easier for me to solve a problem if I know exactly what it is, and the events that has led to it.

I have experienced many a times that deadlines do help to motivate me to write, and the pressure though straining, has resulted in some of my most heartfelt works.

Sometimes I just don’t feel like writing, mainly because of my internal fear that I may not like what I end up discovering about myself. Other times I put it off, due to conflicting schedules and mainly the exhaustion that comes after pouring your inner thoughts out on paper

(Mythili Tarakad Seshu)


While writing stories, we always share our thoughts. I began writing around the age of 7.  Earlier, I used to write about my daily routine, my kin and my other experiences. Later on, due to the long hours of school, I was constantly occupied. I didn't get much time to pen down my thoughts. Nowadays, due to the pandemic I have  time to write poems, articles. 

My mother also has shown me some writing of her friend which improved my writing skill. I am a nature lover, so most of my writings are related to it. Writing has enriched my knowledge of words and phrases.  It refreshes my mind and keeps me vivid. It is part of my entertainment, interest, hobby and adds more power to my pen.


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