Sunday, November 1, 2020


From Asha's Desk

Dear Glow-worms,

Welcome back. The November issue is slim, but rich in its content. I have received some exceptional submissions, nearly all of them resonating with powerful themes and thoughts. I am amazed at what you are all capable of-both in terms of ideas and expression. Kudos!

Every time I feel pessimistic about our children and YA’s general lack of interest in writing, I pull out these submissions and treat myself to the hope they offer. For every ten kids who may dismiss writing, there will be two who will swear by it. They are the ones who will keep GW going, regardless of how small it gets in size.

My objective is to find these rare gems wherever they are and put them in a crown for posterity.

The topic of the month, inevitably, is the pandemic. Among those severely affected are children and YA, in several ways. While a majority have reconciled to the situation, it is certain that they have been impacted. I am eager to know in what ways and how they are coping with it.

So, write in.

Lending you all a keen ear, 

Keep Glowing. Keep Growing.

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