Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My Bravest Moment

Lakshmisree Raju

That night I was lying in my bed, squeezing my teddy bear, wrapped up in my princess blanket. But I tossed and turned, my teeth were constantly ripping the nails off of my fingers, my heart raced in the thought of having to speak in front of many people the next day.

‘’We should, umm.. eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and..umm.. and exercise everyday… to keep our body fit.‘’ I anxiously recalled the lines that I had to speak the next day for my first school assembly ever. Just the thought of it had butterflies flapping in my tummy. 

That’s when my mom came to check on me. ‘’Haven’t you slept yet? Tomorrow is a special day right? Are you excited?’’ she asked. 

‘’Yeah… but what if I make a mistake Amma?’’ I stuttered, furrowing my eyebrows. 

‘’Why do you think that way? You have learnt your lines very well and I’m sure you will do awesome. Now close your eyes and sleep.’’ She smiled and tucked me into bed. 

The next morning, I stayed in bed, half asleep with the awful thought in my head. ‘’I don’t want to go to school today..’’ I moaned to myself. 

‘’Lachu, wake up! It's seven o clock,’’ my mom called from the kitchen. 

‘’Five minutes…’’ I groaned.

‘’Wake up’’ she screamed.

I slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, my back slouched, and frowning. I took the toothbrush, but it fell off my hand. I tried to squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube, but I was too weak to. My whole body shivered in fright. 

On the way to school, a million scary scenes flashed in my mind. I pictured myself messing up in front of everyone. I could see people laughing at me when I spoke. 

I took a deep breath. ‘’Daddy, I am scared to speak in the assembly.’’

‘’It will be fine,’’ Daddy said confidently. ‘’Trust me, you will be the best among the group."

I shrugged and got out of the car and shakily waved goodbye to him.

I then quickly entered the assembly hall and stood in a line in which all the speakers were standing. And that’s when the real panic started. I saw many parents and students of other classes enter. I saw my parents stand in the midst of the crowd, showing me thumbs up with a big grin on their faces. I gave them back a smile. 

My legs trembled. I kept fidgeting with my hands. I couldn’t stand still.

Everyone was seated and the room was silent. It meant that the assembly had started. The first speaker went in front and started speaking.

‘’Oh my God, I’m next ," my brain screamed.

My stomach churned. My palms got all sweaty. I was panting. The first speaker finished his part and it was my turn! I took a deep breath and went forward. My legs felt wobbly like jelly as I walked. I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead. There was pin drop silence in the room for me to speak. I hesitantly started saying my lines. I could hear my heart go lub-dub as I was speaking. 

In a few seconds I suddenly realized that it was over. I had done my part! My brain was jumped for joy. I proudly went back with a big smile on my face. I grinned so much that day that my cheeks started hurting. 

After the assembly got over, my parents came up to me and gave me hugs and  high fives.

‘’See, there was nothing to worry about. You did so good. I am so proud of you’’ my mother said and kissed me on the forehead. I chuckled.

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